40 Eggs-quisite Egg Puns to Crack You Up


Whether you like them scrambled, poached, over easy, or fried, you've got to admit that eggs are one of the best foods around. After all, they're a powerful protein, a simple breakfast, and the absolute bosses of brunch. But in addition to tasting absolutely eggs-ceptional, eggs also offer a ton of opportunities for egg puns and egg jokes. Seriously: all you have to do is find a word that starts with "ex," replace it with "egg," and you're done. Herein, we've plucked together the best egg puns we could find. So whether you're looking for an eggs-cellent way to describe everyone's favorite breakfast food or are simply a practical yolker, these egg puns are bound to crack you up.

Who tells the best eggs puns?

The comedy-hens!

Where do Eskimos keep their eggs?

Inside an egg-loo!

Why did the egg cross the road?

To get to the Shell station!

What do you call a scared egg?


Why was the egg late for school?

He didn't study for the eggs-am.

What's an egg's favorite type of coffee?

An eggspresso!

Why did the celebrity egg start losing her friends?

They called her a shell-out.

How did the hen get to work so fast?

She used the eggs-press lane!

Why should you be careful what you say around egg whites?

They can't take a yolk!

What did the egg say after acing its test?

"Omelet smarter than I look!"

Why do people love having hard-boiled eggs for breakfast?

They're so hard to beat!

What did the hen say to her chick?

"Don't you egg-nore me!"

Why did the egg fail its driving test?

He liked to egg-celerate too much!

What do you call a mischievous egg?

A practical yolker!

Why wouldn't the farmer let the hen in his house?

She kept laying deviled eggs!

What do you call an egg who likes to go on safari?

An eggs-plorer!

What's a chicken's favorite coffee drink?

An egg-spresso!

What does Mr. Egg say every morning to Mrs. Egg?

"Have an eggs-tra special day!"

What did the egg do when it saw the frying pan?

It scrambled!

How do chickens stay fit?

They eggs-ercise!

What did the doctor tell the chicken with high cholesterol?

"Try to lay off eggs for a while!"

How did the chicken feel after a long day on the farm?


Why did the egg hide behind its mom?

He was a little chicken!

Where is the best place to learn about eggs?

The hen-cyclopedia!

What did the two eggs say after brunch?

"Let's hatch a plan for the rest of the day!"

What's an egg's least favorite day of the week?


When is the best time to eat eggs?

At the crack of dawn!

What did the egg say to his girlfriend?

"You are the hottest chick I've ever seen and that's no eggs-aggeration!"

What happened to the chicken at school?

He was eggs-pelled!

What did the chef say after an incredible breakfast?

"That was egg-ceptional!"

What's an egg's favorite motivational phrase?

"Stay on the sunny side up!"

Why were the eggs running so fast?

They were afraid of being beaten!

What did the egg say about escaping the chef?

"I might whisk it and run!"

How do you make an eggroll?

Just give it a little push!

What's an egg's favorite sport?


What did the omelet say after the breakfast sandwich stole her idea?

"That's eggs-actly what I just said!"

Why did the man steal his eggs?

He liked them poached!

How did the breakfast burrito find out she was sick?

She had an eggs-amination!

Why did the rooster ask the hen out on a date?

He was feeling plucky!

How does a hen leave her coop?

Through the eggs-it!

What did you think of these egg puns?

They were seriously egg-cellent!

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